Agrupamento de Escolas de Tábua
The region of the village of Tábua, Portugal, where we have our Institution, Agrupamento de Escolas de Tábua, has an area of 199,8Km2, and it is far from the capital of district, Coimbra, in approximately 60 km. Our school integrates students from 3 to 20 years old, since the of pre-primary scholl level, to the last year of secondary school.
Our Institute is constituted by 8 kinder gardens, 3 primary schools, all situated roundnesses, and the main building has 12 classes of preparatory school. The majority of our students try to continue studying to higher education, but not all can.
We are involved in several projects, in cooperation with different institutions, to achieve some of our educational main lines. We have been doing investiments in the professional way of education in scool (in secondary level) and, also, in education and training courses (in a medium level of education).
What are the organisation’s activities in the field of this application?
Our school tries to fight real problems of our region and society. There is a considerable level of iliteracy and low level of instruction – the majority of the population possesses only the first cycle of basic education.
The population of T ábua dedicates itself to agriculture, of subsistence, or generally, walks parallel to another activity. The region is considered poor in what concerns economic and social level.
Nowadays T ábua is a place where we can notice the arrival of East and North Europe immigrants, and soon they become fix here with their families. Consequently the children of these families are part of our school. We teach to respect other life experiences, other cultures, fitting in this intention the fight against racism and the xenophobia. We believe that this paper fits to school as the booster of principles such as the good citizenship, the tolerance and the interculturalism among differences.
What profiles and age groups of learners are concerned by the organisation’s work?
We are a public primary school and secondary school (grades 1-12). Our learners are aged 3-20 and there are 1 200 of them in total this school year.