About the project

The general objective of our project is to increase the inclusion and motivation in education by supporting the psycho social and academic development through use of creative drama and motivation techniques.

The parents will also be supported with parent seminars and buletins in terms of planning the future of their students.

The European cooperation emphasizes the idea of countries exchanging knowledge and skills about their education systems .It is a must for schools and teachers to improve their competencies and broaden their vision in a globalising and digitalising world with Alpha Generation students. Transnational partnerships like Erasmus-+ and E twinning projects makes it easier to keep in touch and exchange ideas and cooperate.

Project coordinator

Şcoala Gimnazială “Gheorghe Vernescu” - Romania

Str. Păun Pincio, Nr. 10, Râmnicu Sărat, Buzău, România

Website funded by the European Union through the Erasmus+ Program, KA210-SCH - Small - scale partnerships in school education.

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